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Isla Margarita


Only 8 Kms away from Santiago Mariño International Airport is El Yaque. "25 Knots of constant wind and the temperature at 29 ºC all year long!!! One of the 5 best places recognized worldwide within the practice of windsurfs...El Yaque I Semana Santa Feast (23th - 31st March)
We would like to remind you about the annual inconvenience and trouble guests are facing due to the Semana Santa feast on the beach area in El Yaque. The event will take place from 23th until 31st of March. Both Centers will be closed around midday depending on the situation at the beach. According to the wind conditions both centers will be flexible to open up earlier at 8 o’clock to give our guests more time on the water before the crowd comes and make any kind of water sport impossible.
The access to the beach is almost impossible from lunchtime on. Also kitesurfing lessons and rescues will be almost not possible, as boats are not allowed to drive. Guests should be aware that there are an uncountable number of drunken local people around.
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