Choissisez déstination

San Salvador


San Salvador island 

Water blauwer dan blauw en stranden witter dan wit !
Op het eiland San Salvador vindt u het klasse bungalowresort Guanahani waar u kunt kiten voor de deur; kiteclub in het hotel. Op 15km ligt de Club Med die 6maand per jaar goede waterskicondities biedt. Duiken kan vanuit de 2 plaatsen.

The Spot:
Snow Bay is the perfect freestyle, speed, slalom spot!!
Flat water conditions and about 50-meter-standing area make the place ideal for all kitesurfing levels.
Located near the mouth of Pigeon Creek, sickle-shaped Snow Bay stretches for about 1,5 km. The reef and cays (pronounced “ keys”), which surround the bay and protect it from the Atlantic Ocean swell, make the spot a big flat-water lagoon. Ride to the neighbor High Cay and take a rest on its desert white sandy beach!
The underwater bottom and the beach are sandy and free of stones, corals and sea urchins so you can “forget” your shoes at home. As to the shore break, you needn’t worry: it seldom reaches 20 centimeters!!!!

Wind Conditions:
The prevailing steady North Easterly Trade Winds blow unobstructed side-on shore from end of October until the end of April ranging from 15 to 30 knots. Although on some days the wind can shift blowing from SE or East, its consistency and steadiness don’t get affected. A shorty is only an option on a few colder days in January and February due to cold fronts coming from North-West, but never really necessary
From May to August the prevailing SE wind blows in a range between 10-15 knots.

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